Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, vol. 1 (1996), pp. 166

Central theme: Principles and Ideology of Government

Editorial Board: Marek Derwich, Wojciech Fałkowski (Editor in chief), Sławomir Gawlas (Assistant Editor), Tomasz Jasiński, Andrzej Radzimiński

ISSN: 1427-4418

Publisher: DIG

Table of contents:

I. Articles
1. Zofia Kurnatowska, The Organisation of the Polish State – Possible Interpretations of Archeological Sources 5
2. Sławomir Gawlas, Die Territorialisierung des Deutschen Reichs und die teilfurstliche Zersplitterung Polens zeu Zeit des hohen Mittelalters 25
3. Zenon Piech, Herrschaftszeichen und Staatssymbolik in der Monarchie der letzten Piasten (1320 – 1370) 43
4. Stanisław Sroka, Methods of Constructing Angevin Rule in Hungary in the Light of Most Recent Research 77
5. Pal Engel, Honor, castrum, comitatus. Studies in the Government System of the Angevin Kingdom 91
6. Ivan Hlavacek, Bemerkungen zur inneren Struktur und zum Fungieren des Hofes Wenzels IV 101
7. Wojciech Fałkowski, Regimen Politicum et Regale. The Principle of Government In 15th Century Poland 115
II. Book Notices 127
Contents 166