Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, vol. 15 (2010), pp. 484
Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, vol. 15 (2010), pp. 484
Central theme: Reading, Writing and Communicating
Editorial Board: Wojciech Fałkowski (Editor in chief), Marek Derwich, Tomasz Jasiński, Krzysztof Ożóg, Andrzej Radzimiński, Agnieszka Tomas (Assistant Editor), Marek Konopka (Assistant Editor)
ISSN: 1427-4418
Publisher: Towarzystwo Naukowe “Societas Vistulana”

Table of contents:
Contents 3
I. Reading, Writing and Communicating 5
1. Arnold Angenendt, Opfer und Stiftungen 5
2. Eric Palazzo, Le „livre-corps” à l’époque carolingienne et son rôle dans la liturgie de la messe et sa théologie 31
3. Dirk Krausmüller, Image and Text in the Theodore Psalter 65
4. Ivan Hlaváček, Prag in der Luxemburgerzeit als Zentrum der Bibliotheksund Buchkultur mitteleuropäischen Ranges 79
5. Krzysztof Ożóg, Book Collections in Medieval Cracow. Outline of the State of Research 121
6. Jerzy Kaliszuk, Mendicant Books and Libraries on South East Lands of the Polish Kingdom in the 15th and Early 16th Century – the Franciscans Observant Example 147
II. Cultus Sanctorum 173
7. Jerzy Strzelczyk, New Alphabet in the Service of Christianisatio 173
III. Current Research 197
8. Andrzej Poppe, Vladimir. History of the Name throughout the Centuries 197
9. Hanna Kóčka-Krenz, Pre-Romanesque Palatial Chapel in Poznań 221
10. Elżbieta Kowalczyk-Heyman, Anthropomorph verzierte mittelalterliche Messergriffe in Polen 241
11. Michał Starski, Archäologische Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der mittelalterlichen Lokationsstadt Putzig / Puck 283
12. Wiesław Długokęcki, Die Weichselwerder in der Politik des Königs Kasimir IV. Jagiellonicus 305
13. Shlomo Lotan, The Transfer of the Armenian Crown to the Holy Land. A Text Case for the Strength of the Teutonic Military Order in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem 329
IV. In Memoriam 341
14. Stefan Krzysztof Kuczyński (1938-2010) 341
15. Juliusz Bardach (1914-2010 347
16. Kazimierz Liman (1925-2010) 355
V. Varia 361
17. Lux et laus Medal – 2009 361
VI. Book Notices 363
Authors 479
Contents 483