Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, vol. 19 (2014), pp. 511
Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, vol. 19 (2014), pp. 511
Central theme: Women and Femininity
Editorial Board: Wojciech Fałkowski (Editor in Chief), Marek Derwich, Tomasz Jasiński, Krzysztof Ożóg, Andrzej Radzimiński,
Paweł Derecki (Assistant Editor)
ISSN: 1427-4418
Publisher: Towarzystwo Naukowe “Societas Vistulana”

Table of contents:
Contents 3
I. Women and Femininity 5
1. Piotr Górecki, Women and Gender between Two Worlds 5
2. Sherri Franks Jhnson, Poverty and Property: Ties Between Male and Female Religious Communities in Late Medieval Bologna 19
3. Andrzej Radzimiński, The Woman in Papal Documents of the Late Middle Ages 33
4. Kimberly LoPrete, „The Lady Vanishes”: Medieval Texts, Modern Historians and Lordly Women 55
5. Melanie C. Maddox, Queen or Puppet Lady? Æthelfl aed’s Role in the Politics, Power and Identity of Mercia 111
6. Elisabeth van Houts, Yolanda of Vianden (1231-1283): A Reluctant Bride 127
7. Marie Kelleher, Witnessing from the Margins: Legal Testimony of Doubly Diff erenced Women in the Later Middle Ages 145
8. Belle Stoddard Tuten, Lactation and Breast Diseases in Antiquity: Medical Authorities on Breast Health and Treatment 159
9. Nancy McLoughlin, Silencing the Widow with a Prayer for Peace 187
10. Felice Lifshitz, Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality in Mid-century Medievalist Film: The Example of Becket (1964) 211
II. Kings in Captivity (continuation) 241
11. Courtney M. Booker, The Dionysian Mirror of Louis the Pious 241
12. Yves Sassier, Louis IV d’Outremer, roi captif, roi déchu (945-946) 265
13. Francesca Roversi Monaco, „King of Bologna”: The Captivity of Enzo, King of Sardinia, between History and Myth 279
14. Stanisław A. Sroka, The Imprisonment of the Hungarian Queens: Elizabeth of Bosnia and Mary (1386-1387) 303
15. Neil Murphy, Politics, Honour and Display: The Captivity of John the Good 317
III. Current Research 343
16. Przemysław Tyszka, Human Body and Corporeality in Provisions of Penitentials (6th-11th Century) 343
17. Jan Videman, Nad’a Profantová, An der Ostgrenze des Frankenreiches. Ein Hortfund von Denaren von Ludwig dem Heiligen bei Jedomělice (Bezirk Kladno) 367
18. Marek Jagodziński, Scandinavians and West-Balts. Contribution to the Study on the Issue of the Infl uence of the Scandinavians on the Development of Sett lement and Economic-Political Structures in West-Balts during the Viking Age 391
19. Jerzy Piekalski, Three Variants of Urban Transformation in Medieval Central Europe: Prague, Wrocław and Kraków 425
20. Marek Daniel Kowalski, The Papal Collectorate in the 15th Century Poland 447 IV. In Memoriam 461
21. Frau Professor Zofi a Hilczer-Kurnatowska (1932-2013) 461
22. Jacques Le Goff (1924-2014) 473
V. Book Notices 479
Authors 507
Contents 510