Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, t. 16 (2011), ss. 480
Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, t. 16 (2011), ss. 480
Temat wydania: Frontiers and Borderlands
Redakcja: Wojciech Fałkowski (Editor in chief), Marek Derwich, Tomasz Jasiński, Krzysztof Ożóg, Andrzej Radzimiński, Agnieszka Tomas (Assistant Editor), Marek Konopka (Assistant Editor)
ISSN: 1427-4418
Opublikowane przez: Towarzystwo Naukowe „Societas Vistulana”

Spis treści:
Contents 3
I. Frontiers and Borderlands 5
1. Andrzej Janeczek, Frontiers and Borderlands in Medieval Europe. Introductory Remarks 5
2. Florin Curta, Linear Frontiers in the 9th Century: Bulgaria and Wessex 15
3. Wojciech Fałkowski, Old Tribal Customs and Frankish Rituals in the Chronicle of Dudo of Saint Quentin 33
4. Geneviève Bührer-Thierry, Des évêques sur la frontière: christianisation et sociétés de frontière sur les marches du monde germanique aux Xe-XIe siècle 61
5. Pascal Buresi, The Appearance of the Frontier Concept in the Iberian Peninsula: At the Crossroads of Local, National and Pontifical Strategies (11th-13th Centuries) 81
6. James Muldoon, From Frontiers to Borders: The Medieval Papacy and the Conversion of Those along the Frontiers of Christendom 101
7. Carsten Selch Jensen, Gods War. War and Christianisation on the Baltic Frontier in the Early 13th Century 123
8. Marian Rębkowski, Boundary of a Town and Boundaries in a Town. Spatial Divisions of Chartered Towns in Thirteenth-Century Pomerania in the Light of Archaeological Sources 149
9. Nora Berend, The Medieval Imagery of Frontiers in Hungary 171
10. Yurii Zazuliak, The Frontier Society, Violence and the Crisis of Public Order in the Fifteenth-Century Kingdom of Poland (The Case of Red Ruthenia) 179
11. Stefan Rohdewald, Kyrill und Method, Kliment und Heilige in der neuen „Zarenstadt” Tărnovo: (Trans-)Kulturelle Praktiken der Heiligenverehrung im Wandel von der slawisch-byzantinischen zur slawisch-osmanischen Kontaktzone 203
12. Andrzej Janeczek, Towns on the Frontier The Frontier in Towns. Multiethnic Urban Communities in Red Ruthenia in Late Middle Ages 235
II. Inedita 265
13. Sergej P. Karpov, Enforced Councilor: Franceschino Bon in Venetian Tana, 1342-1343 265
III. Current Research 271
14. Hervé Oudart, Le partage du manteau, prélude à la béatitude de Martin et à sa „participation” au Christ: étude critique du récit de Sulpice Sévère (IVe siècle) et de ses deux premières déclinaisons poétiques (Ve-VIe siècles) 271
15. Jehangir Y. Malegam, Love between Peace and Violence: Not a Crisis but a Critique of Fidelity after 1000 321
16. Tomasz Jasiński, Gall Anonims Precursors 337
17. Tomisław Giergiel, Jan Ptak, The Newly-Discovered Heraldic Frieze from the Reign of Władysław Jagiełło 365
18. Jacek Laberschek, Anfänge und territoriale Entwicklung der Krakauer Agglomeration im 13.-14. Jahrhundert 385
19. Piotr Szukiel, The First Polish Cantatorium. An Unknown Codex for the Chanter of the Collegiate Church in Łask Funded by Archbishop Jan Łaski (ca. 1520) 411
IV. In Memoriam 421
20. Jadwiga Krzyżaniakowa (1930-2010)421 421
21. Andrzej Tomaszewski (1934-2010) 427 V. Varia 433 22. Lux et laus Medal for the fifth time 433
VI. Book Notices 435
Authors 475
Contents 479