Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, t. 18 (2013), ss. 412
Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, t. 18 (2013), ss. 412
Temat wydania: Kings in Captivity / Macroeconomy: Economic Growth
Redakcja: Wojciech Fałkowski (Editor in chief), Marek Derwich, Tomasz Jasiński, Krzysztof Ożóg, Andrzej Radzimiński, Paweł Derecki (Assistant Editor), Marek Konopka (Assistant Editor)
ISSN: 1427-4418
Opublikowane przez: Towarzystwo Naukowe „Societas Vistulana”

Spis treści:
1. Gerd Althoff, Bishops at the Court of Henry II. Formal and Informal Practices of Producing Decisions 5
I. Kings in Captivity 17
2. Daniel Bagi, Und wessen Strafe? Die Inhaftierung von König Salomon in der früheren historischen Tradition und die Thronstreite der Arpaden im 11. Jahrhundert 17
3. Seymour Phillips, Kings in Captivity: The Case of Edward II of England, ‘The Island King’ 37
4. John Gillingham, Coeur de Lion in Captivity 59
5. Cecilia Gaposchkin, The Captivity of Louis IX 85
6. Ivan Hlaváček, König Wenzel (IV.) und seine zwei Gefangennahmen (Spiegel seines Kampfes mit dem Hochadel sowie mit Wenzels Verwandten um die Vorherrschaft in Böhmen und Reich) 115
II. Macroeconomy: Economic Growth 151
7. Marian Dygo, The Economic Thought of St. Thomas Aquinas – and the Att empt to Model Medieval Economic Growth 151
8. Bruce M.S. Campbell, National Incomes and Economic Growth in Pre-industrial Europe: Insights from Recent Research 167
9. Paolo Malanima, Energy, Power and Growth in the High Middle Ages 197
10. Richard W. Unger, Technology and Energy: Loosening Constraints on Medieval Economic Growth 217
11. Piotr Guzowski, Money Economy and Economic Growth: The Case of Medieval and Early Modern Poland 235
III. Current Research 257
12. Anna Waśko, Crusades in Finland and the Crusade Ideology in Sweden from the 12th to 14th Centuries 257
13. Sławomir Jóźwiak, Review of Research on the Batt le of Grunwald (15th July 1410) in Historical Studies over the Past Half-Century281
14. Rafał Kubicki, Das Mühlwesen als Bestandteil der Wirtschaftspolitik des Deutschen Ordens in Preußen 303
15. Krzysztof Polek, The Role of the Khazar Khaganate in the Economic System of the Early Middle Ages 335
IV. In Memoriam 365
16. Professor Marian Biskup (1922-2012). Leben und Werk 365
17. Professor Gerard Labudas Leben und Werk (1916-2010) 373
V. Book Notice 389
Authors 409
Contents 411