Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, t. 23 (2018), ss. 448
Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, t. 23 (2018), ss. 448
Temat wydania: Early Medieval Scandinavia: New Trends in Research
Redakcja: Wojciech Fałkowski – Editor in Chief, Marek Derwich, Wiesław Długokęcki, Tomasz Jasiński, Andrzej Radzimiński, Paweł Derecki – Assistant Editor
ISSN: 1427-4418
Opublikowane przez: Societas Vistulana

Spis treści:
I. Early Medieval Scandinavia: New Trends in Research 5
1. Rudolf Simek, By Way of an Introduction 5
2. Karen Bek-Pedersen, Gefjon, Gylfi and Skjöldr: Kingship and Land 7
3. Klaus Düwel, The Inscriptions on Gold-Bracteates and their Relation to Letter and Alphabet Mysticism in the Late Antiue Tradition 27
4. Matthias Egeler, The Mythological Landscape of Sonatorrek: An Experiment in Contextualising Poetic Experience 47
5. Matthias S. Toplak, The Dead as Resources: The Utilization of Death and Burial for the Construction of Social Identity and Legitimacy in Viking Age Scandinavia 67
6. Sirpa Aalto Contextualising Jómsvíkinga saga 95
7. Rudolf Simek, Undesirable Biographies. Victims of Viking Slavery and Ransom Payments 111
8. Jakub Morawiec, Interdisciplinarity of Research on the Jómsborg Legend 125
9. Dariusz Adamczyk, How and Why Did Dirhams Flow to Scandinavia during the 9th Century? 139
10. Alexandra Sanmark, Assembly Organisation in the Longue Durée: The Scandinavian Thing Institution in its European Context 151
II. 11th Century (continuation) 175
11. Krzysztof Skwierczyński, Long 11th Century 175
12. Enrico Veneziani, Between Rome and Montecassino. Re-thinking the Investiture Controversy in the First Half of the 12th Century 183
13. Glauco Maria Cantarella, I due Sergi? Nota su papa Sergio IV 211
14. Nicolangelo D’Acunto, Argomenti di natura giuridica e strumenti della comunicazione pubblica durante la lotta per le investiture 225
III. Current Research 245
15. Anne Heath, Making New Impressions: The „Episcopal” Seals of Benedictine Abbots in the 13th and 14th Centuries 245
16. Elsa Marmursztejn, Théologiens et politique à l’époque scolastique (XIIIe-XIVe siècles) 267
17. Frédérique Lachaud, Vers la légitimation du tyrannicide en Angleterre : l’empoisonnement de Jean sans Terre dans les sources des XIIIe et XIVe siècles 291
18. Piotr Łopatkiewicz Cracovian Hodegetria 1400-1550. The Phenomenon of Repeatability of Iconographic Types in Late-Medieval Panel Painting 319
19. Marcin Sumowski Pastor et oves. Parish Priest in Late-Medieval Prussian Town 343
20. Margaretha Nordquist, Eternal Bonds of Love or Foreign Oppression Entangled Identities in Late-medieval Scandinavia 379
21. Nadezhda Tochilova, Anna Slapinia, From Wawel Hill to Volkhov River Bank: To the Question of the Presumptive Inluence of the Pre-Romanesque Polish Architecture to the Decoration of so-called “Columns of Oak Sophia” from Novgorod 405
IV. Book Notices 427
Authors 445