Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, t. 27 (2022), pp. 329
Temat wydania: Neighborhood and Consent / Historiography and Memory
Redakcja: Wojciech Fałkowski – Editor in Chief, Wiesław Długokęcki, Tomasz Jasiński, Andrzej Pleszczyński, Andrzej Radzimiński, Stanisław Rosik, Paweł Derecki – Assistant Editor, Tomasz Pełech - Assistant Editor
ISSN: 1427-4418
Opublikowane przez: Fundacja Centrum Badań Historycznych

Spis treści:
I. Neighborhood and Consent 5
Guido Vannini, Frontiers are not borders 5
Rafał Simiński, Die Grenze zwischen dem Herzogtum Pommern und der Deutschordensherrschaft in Preußen in den Jahren 1320–1417: Entstehung, Entwicklung, Konflikte 23
Adam Szweda, Diplomacy of the weaker partners. Ducal Masovia and the Teutonic Order after the Second Peace of Toruń (1466) 67
Jarosław Nikodem, Reflections on the Polish-Lithuanian Union (On the margin of Robert Frost’s book, The Oxford History of Poland-Lithuania, Volume I: The Making of the Polish-Lithuanian Union, 1385- 1569,Oxford 2015) 87
II. Historiography and Memory 117
Adrian Jusupović, Rus chronicles as sources of international law 117
Michał Gniadek-Zielińskim “Primo tempore” – almost lost chronicle by bishop Eskil? The attempt of a new reading of the origins of Danish historiography 135
Joanna Sobiesiak, Between two Emperors. On the excesses of the political success of Bohemian king Vladislav II (1140-1172) 161 Wawrzyniec Kowalski, Borders, robbers and the Slavs in Historia Salonitana and in The Chronicle of the Priest of Duklja 177
III. Current Research 195
Robert Goczał, Historical outline of just war theory and its fundamental assumptions in medieval and late renaissance thought (St. Augustine of Hippo, St. Thomas Aquinas, Francis Suárez, St. Robert Bellarmine) 195
Piotr Boroń, Ewelina Imiołczyk, Marzena Kłusek, Natalia Piotrowska, A judge’s staff from the market square in Bytom – a symbolic element of medieval legal culture 239
Jakub Jauernig, Lions of Ilion and Lions of Albion. The Trojan myth in English heraldry of the 15th century 259
IV.Announcements 277
Juliusz Domański, Zenon Kałuża awarded the Lux et Laus medal 277
V. Book Notices 287