Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, t. 28 (2023), pp. 468
Temat wydania: The Defeated and the Victors. Problems
of Communication / The Viking Phenomenon in Past and Present
Redakcja: Stanisław Rosik – Editor in Chief, Carina Damm, Wiesław Długokęcki, Tomasz Jasiński, Andrzej Pleszczyński, Andrzej Radzimiński, Marian Rębkowski, Paweł Derecki – Assistant Editor, Tomasz Pełech - Assistant Editor
ISSN: 1427-4418
Opublikowane przez: Fundacja Centrum Badań Historycznych

Spis treści:
I. The Defeated and the Victors. Problems of Communication 5
Jan Prostko-Prostyński
Vanquished conquerors. Slavs in medieval Greece (part I) 5
Mirosław J. Leszka
The Bulgars and the Slavs in early medieval Bulgaria. The perspectiveof Byzantine sources* 33
Aleksander Paroń
Victory achieved without fighting, or the doctrine of containment of the ‘northern and Scythian’ peoples in Constantine VII
Porphyrogenitus’ De administrando imperio 47
Tomasz Pełech
The Kingdom of Jerusalem and Egypt in the Early 12th Century. The Case of Asia and Babylon in the Title of Baldwin of Boulogne 71
Ryszard Grzesik
How to conquer a foreign land, or the complicated Hungarian-Slavi relationship in the view of the Hungarian medieval chronicles91
Dariusz Dąbrowski
The Formation and Characteristics of Mongol Supremacy over Rusia 115
Jakub Morawiec
Norwegian royal patronage over Orkney. Literary motif and aspect of politics in the medieval Northern Atlantic 137
Wiesław Długokęcki
Das Verhältnis des Deutschen Ordens zum samländischen Adel im 13. und frühen 14. Jahrhundert 167
II. The Viking Phenomenon in Past and Present 217
Carina Damm and Rudolf Simek The Viking Phenomenon in Past and Present. Introduction 217
Marie Novotná
The Concept of Health in Old Norse Narrative Literature 221
Renata Leśniakiewicz-Drzymała
Why Sigurd? The Myth of the Dragon-slayer and its Indo-European and Christian Contexts 237
Maciej Lubik
Between Facts and Fiction: Haraldr Sigurðarson’s Flight from Byzantium in the Historiographical Tradition of the Medieval North 255
Anna Waśko
Sparrows and walnuts or Harald hardraði in Sicily 273
Memories from the former colonies. Garðaríki in the eyes of the Icelandic sagas’ authors and readers. The example of some pagan customs’ descriptions 293
Annett Krakow
On the interpretation of evidence: Yngvarr’s expedition in runic inscriptions and Old Norse texts 315
Carina Damm
Howling Slavs and Wendish wolves: Tracing a topos between the Scandinavian and Slavic worlds 337
III. Current Research 357
Jarosław Sochacki
The participation in military operations of Archbishop Bruno of Cologne and Bishop Ulrich of Augsburg, during Otto I’s reign, in the light of their liveslife histories 357
Adrien Quéret-Podesta
D’Henri à Meginfrid. Essai de contribution à l’étude de la réception des Carmina Cantabrigiensia à partir d’un manuscrit magdebourgeois.... 383
Robert Bubczyk
Ethnic Stereotypes on the Welsh by Anglo-Norman Authors in the Context of the 12th Century Intellectual Renaissance. A Voice on their Causes, Nature, and Development 399
Radosław Pawlik
Die Prälaten des Kollegiatkapitels an der Marienkirche in Stettin (Szczecin) während der Herrschaft des pommerschen Herzogs
Bogislaw X. (1474/78–1523) 431
IV. Book Notices 467