Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, vol. 25 (2020), pp. 467
Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, vol. 25 (2020), pp. 467
Central theme: From the World of the Old Slavs: Archaeology – History – Memory
Editorial Board: Wojciech Fałkowski – Editor in Chief, Wiesław Długokęcki, Tomasz Jasiński, Andrzej Pleszczyński, Andrzej Radzimiński, Stanisław Rosik, Paweł Derecki – Assistant Editor, Tomasz Pełech - Assistant Editor
ISSN: 1427-4418
Publisher: Center of Historical Research Foundation

Table of contents:
I. From the World of the Old Slavs: Archaeology – History – Memory 5
1. Tomasz Jasiński, Betrachtungen zur Urheimat der Slawen 5
2. Stanisław Rosik, Triglav and the “God of the Germans” in Szczecin in the 1120s. From studies of the religion of the Slavs and its Christian interpretation in the Middle Ages (an example of Otto of Bamberg’s hagiography) 47
3. Andrzej Janowski, Development of Early Medieval Strongholds in the Rega Basin 79
4. Felix Biermann, Vorgeschichtliche Ringwälle der Niederlausitz im frühen Mittelalter und die Lage der polnischen Burg Sciciani 101
5. Andrzej Pleszczyński, Back to the Middle Ages: The longue durée of Stereotypes in the Mutual Perception of Germans and Poles (and Role in History and Culture) 135
6. Paweł Migdalski, Early-medieval Slavdom as a factor legitimizing the Polish presence westward as exemplified by Western Pomerania 163
II. Current Research 181 7. Sven Ekdahl, Moscow Troops In The Wars Of Poland And Lithuania With The Teutonic Order In Prussia In 1414 And 1422: Two Timeline Questions 181
8. Loïc Chollet, Le cheval et la mort. Rites funéraires, éthique chevaleresque et représentation de l’altérité culturelle lors de la croisade balte 193
9. Grzegorz Jawor, Portée sociale des stéréotypes concernant les habitants des, villages valaques en Pologne aux XVe et XVIe siècles 221
10. Rafał Kubicki, Last Wills of Townspeople in Late-Medieval Elbląg as Compared to Other Baltic Towns (Gdańsk, Lübeck, Stralsund, and Tallinn) 237
11. Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, The informativeness of Wigand von Marburg’s chronicle and its Latin translation in relation to weaponry 263
12. Piotr Pranke, Do ut des: The role of Ecclesiastical institutions in the functioning of the Carolingian and Ottonian trade system 291
13. Joanna Sobiesiak, A bronze seven-branch candelabra that was purportedly brought to Prague from Vladislav II’s Italian expedition of 1158. Lore on the artifact in medieval and modern Czech texts 333
14. Adrien Quéret-Podesta, Le problème des compilations annalistiques étrangères utilisées par les plus anciennes annales polonaises à la lumière des recherches récentes 343
15. Agnieszka Teterycz-Puzio, “Bolesław, Duke of Greater Poland, Mazovia, and Łęczyca”. Who was the first Piast owner of Szczerbiec – the jagged coronation sword of Polish kings? 359
16. Wiesław Długokęcki, Aus der Geschichte der Karavelle „Peter von Danzig” 373
III. In Memoriam 411
Professor János Bak (1929-2020) 411
Professor Jerzy Hauziński (1946-2020) 419
IV. Book Notices 425