Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, vol. 26 (2021), pp. 380
Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, vol. 26 (2021), pp. 380
Central theme: Narrations of Violence
Editorial Board: Editorial Board: Wojciech Fałkowski – Editor in Chief, Wiesław Długokęcki, Tomasz Jasiński, Andrzej Pleszczyński, Andrzej Radzimiński, Stanisław Rosik, Paweł Derecki – Assistant Editor, Tomasz Pełech - Assistant Editor
ISSN: 1427-4418
Publisher: Center of Historical Research Foundation

Table of contents:
I. Narrations of Violence 5
1. Aleksander Paroń, “War is part of their nature”: nomadic violence in Byzantine texts of the 10th to 12th century – a tool of identity and… policy-making 5
2. Tomasz Pełech, From a house of the devil to God’s temple – “abrenuntiatio diaboli” and “confessio fidei” in the narrative about the foundation of the bishopric of Albara during the First Crusade in the Gesta Francorum and the Historia de Hierosolymitano Itinere 33
3. Stanisław Rosik, Cidini 972. Thietmar’s account of margrave Hodo’s raid into Mieszko I’s country and the »Battle of Cedynia« 55
4. Darius von Güttner-Sporzyński, The Chronica Polonorum by Bishop Vincentius of Cracow. Preliminary remarks about its historical context, violence and its use 79
5. Marek Smoliński, The Gdańsk Massacre in the Medieval Historical Narrative 91
6. Joséphine Moulier, « Rénovation seigneuriale » et affirmation des droits de la communauté à Dienne (Cantal): Conflits et violences dans une seigneurie de moyenne montagne à la fin du Moyen Âge (XIVe-XVIe siècle) 129
II. Current Research 147
7. Marian Rębkowski, Cristina Martínez Álvarez, Guillermo García-Contreras Ruiz, Wojciech Filipowiak, Archaeological research on Madīnat Ilbīra – an Umayyad town in al-Andalus. Course and Problems 147
8. Tomasz Dalewski, Kings among kinglets? Carolingian dynastic identity at the dawn of the post-Carolingian age 173
9. Michał Tomaszek, The History of Poland from the 10th to 13th Centuries as Presented in Contemporary German Medieval Studies: Methods of Accounting Traditional and New Interpretative Approaches 193
10. Marcin Kurdyka, Les éléments géographiques de définition et d’identification du monde slave dans l’historiographie de la Pologne, de la Bohême et de la Rus’ (XIIe-XIVe siècle) 251
11. Claire Weeda, Able Bodies: The Organisation of Labour and Health, 1300-1600: A Research Agenda 271
12. Mateusz Goliński, Cities in the face of disasters to Jewish communities – a draft of the problem in the late Middle Ages 293
III. In Memoriam 411
Professor Henryk Samsonowicz (Jan. 23, 1930-May 28, 2021)
IV. Book Notices