Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, t. 24 (2019), ss. 492
Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, t. 24 (2019), ss. 492
Temat wydania: Early Medieval Scandinavia: New Trends in Research / Prussica
Redakcja: Wojciech Fałkowski – Editor in Chief, Wiesław Długokęcki, Tomasz Jasiński, Andrzej Pleszczyński, Andrzej Radzimiński, Stanisław Rosik, Paweł Derecki – Assistant Editor
ISSN: 1427-4418
Opublikowane przez: Societas Vistulana

Spis treści:
I. Early Medieval Scandinavia: New Trends in Research 5
1. Kathrin Chlench-Priber, The Abecedarium Nordmannicum – Contexts and Functions of a Rune Alphabet Mnemonic Poem 5
2. Regina Jucknies, The Transmission of Mediaeval German and Danish Laurin Narratives Thoughts on Mediaeval and Modern Scenari of Their Reception – in Memoriam Heinrich Beck 23
3. Sabine H. Walther, Remembering Conversion: Ari’s Íslendingabók as a Foundation Myth of the Haukdœlir Clan 35
4. Lorenzo Lozzi Gallo, A Cultural Encounter between Norsemen and Finnar: Analysing Heiđr in Hauks Þáttr Hábrókar 57
5. Sigmund Oehrl, Pagan Stones in Christian Churches. Medieval Views on the Past (the Example of Gotland, Sweden) 69
6. Jens Eike Schnall, Halls Haunted by the Past: Old Germanic Heritage and “Völkisch” Architecture in the German Empire 97
II. Prussica 111
7. Marta Czyżak, Andrzej Radzimiński, Earliest Synod Statutes of John Marienau, Bishop of Chełmno, from the First Half of 15th Century 111
8. Aleksandra Girsztowt, Remarks on the Conditions for the Development of Craft in the Towns of Prussia in the Middle Ages and on the Threshold of Early Modern Times with Particular Reference to Malbork 137
9. Rafał Kubicki, Monastic Landscape in Medieval Prussia and Livonia 155
III. Medieval Historiography 193
10. Andrzej Pleszczyński, Die Sicht auf die Geschichte der Slawen im Chronicon imperatorum et pontificum Bavaricum im Kontext damaliger stereotyper deutscher Ansichten 193
11. Miłosz Sosnowski, Towards the New Edition of Collected Works by Bruno of Querfurt – Textual Tradition and Literary Context 217
12. Tomasz Jasiński, Gallus Anonymus und die Reichenauer Fälscher 287
IV. Current Research 323
13. Hanna Kóčka-Krenz, Forming the Elites of the Early-Piast State in Funerary Sources 323
14. Marzena Matla, Influence of Southern Cultures and People of Great Moravia on Polish Land (Late Stage of the 9th and 10th Centuries) 341
15. Konrad Filip Komarnicki, The Law of Love. Relations between the Secular and Spiritual Authority in Early Kingdom of Jerusalem 375
16. Magdalena Satora, Critical Edition of the Proceedings against the Templars in Paris (1309-1311) 407
V. In Memoriam 423
17. Professor Karol Modzelewski (1937-2019) 423
18. Professor Andrzej Poppe (1926-2019) 427
19. Professor Otto Gerhard Oexle (1939-2016) 441
20. Professor Jerzy Wyrozumski (1930-2018) 445
VI. Book Notices 451
Authors 487