Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, vol. 21 (2016), pp. 496
Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, vol. 21 (2016), pp. 496
Central theme: Cultures of War / Liturgy
Editorial Board: Wojciech Fałkowski (Warsaw) – Editor in Chief, Marek Derwich, Wiesław Długokęcki, Tomasz Jasiński, Andrzej Radzimiński, Paweł Derecki (Warsaw) – Assistant Editor
ISSN: 1427‒4418
Publisher: Societas Vistulana

Table of contents:
I. Cultures of War 5
1. Philippe Buc, By Way of an Introduction 5
2. Philippe Buc, Religions and Warfare: Prolegomena to a Comparative Study 9
3. Mark Edward Lewis, The Army as an Emotional Community in Warring States, China 27
4. Mikael S. Adolphson, Violence, Warfare and Buddhism in Early Medieval Japan 63
5. Thomas D. Conlan, When Men Become Gods: Apotheosis, Sacred Space, and Political Authority in Japan 1486-1599 89
6. Isabel Bueno Bravo, The Mexica Polity and the Chalco Confl ict: A Case-Study in Mesoamerican Warfare 107
7. Jenny Rahel Oesterle, Is It Allowed to Fight the Ruler? A Comparison of Selected Islamic and Christian Positions 131
8. Jay Rubenstein, Crusade and Apocalypse: History and the Last Days 159 !!. Lithurgy 189
9. Yitz hak Hen, Liturgy and the Propagation of Faith in the Early Medieval West 189
10. Piotr Roszak, Spanish-Mozarabic Funeral Rituals: A Contribution to the Eschatology of the Rite 205
11. Cécile Voyer, Les cinq sens et les images au Moyen Âge. Voir et revoir les oeuvres visuelles médiévales 225
III. XIth Century 249
12. Francesco Renzi, Cluny in Medieval Galicia: The damnatio memoriae and the Survival of the Monastery of San Martín de Xuvia (10th-13th Centuries) * 249
13. Glauco Maria Cantarella, Le bruissement du temps : rhétorique, dialectique, mathématique, philosophie entre XIe et XIIe siècles 271
14. Giorgio Milanesi, Framing the Church of San Martino in Palazzo Pignano (Cremona) in the Historical Context of the Insula Fulcheria, A Land Shared between four Bishops 285
IV. Current Research 321
15. Katherine O’Brien O’Keeffe, Making Satisfaction: Compensation and the Body in Anglo-Saxon England 321
16. Radosław Kotecki, With the Sword of Prayer, or How the Medieval Bishop Should Fight 341
17. Sobiesław Szybkowski, Władysław the White, Bartosz Wezemborg and “The Knights of Burgundy”: On a Certain Historiographic Myth Concerning the Civil War in Kujawy under the Reign of Louis I of Hungary 371
18. Anna Paner, Erzbischof Jan Rokycana (1397-1471) – politische Persönlichkeit der Hussitenzeit 401
19. Wiolett a Zielecka-Mikołajczyk, Studies of Numismatics in Belarus and Lithuania 455
V. Book Notice 471
Authors 493
* By mistake, in the first note of Francesco Renzi’s article – Cluny in Medieval Galicia: The damnatio memoriae and the survival of the monastery of San Martín de Xuvia (10th-13t centuries), the following information was not included: „This article was initially a chapter of my book (based on my doctoral dissertation and investigation), entitled Francesco Renzi I monaci bianchi in Galizia. Le reti cistercensi (1142-1250), CERM, Trieste 2014, pp. 112-125. The version that is now published includes English translation and some changes and updates”.